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model formulation中文是什么意思

用"model formulation"造句"model formulation"怎么读"model formulation" in a sentence


  • 列出模型
  • 模型建立
  • 模型组成


  • R [ 16 ] we deprive the mathematical model of altitude and shape control of satellite with articulated appendages although not essential , the model formulation using li group and li algebra theory leads to relatively simple and available control formulas
    R ,利用整体微分几何的相关理论推导了带有关节相连的附属物的人造卫星姿态?形状控制系统的数学模型,该模型的优点是易于采用简单有效的控制方法。
  • Focusing on the phenomenon of increasing establishment of supply chains that revolves in the enterprises with the edge of resources or competitiveness , i present in the thesis the selective model formulation of core enterprise supply chain hierarchically benchmarked on the basis of meta path
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